Posts Tagged ‘Revelation’


We begin each year by fasting for 21 days. Fasting in January is much like praying in the morning to establish the will of God for the entire day. When we put God first in our lives, in our families, in our finances – in everything – I believe that He will bless and multiply those areas. If we will pray and seek God and give Him our first and best at the beginning of the year, He will honor that sacrifice and bless our ENTIRE year!

If you are one of those people who sense that God has more for your life, take the first step and believe for more of Him.

Start the year off right and discover the rewards of putting God first! I look forward to hearing about what God will do in our lives and in our land as we seek Him together.

Make fasting a “lifestyle!”

Fasting is not just for the beginning of the year. Commit to fasting, prayer and giving throughout the year and watch as God releases His hand of blessing over your entire year. Make fasting a regular part of your life and see how He supernaturally opens doors for you.

Join me, and thousands from around the world, in the Fasting Movement.

Teachings taken from:




The Bible in Eccl 11:4 says

‘If you look at circumstances you will never get anything done.”

In the field of arts you have what is referred to as DDP or Daily Discipline of Practice. If you want to become exceptional in any field of the arts, you are advised to invest at least an hour a day to practice & in seven days, you would have practiced for seven hours.

Although an hour a day is little but through time, your practice will begin to add up & reflect in your life & work. You will gain the mastery & you will eventually stand-out in your calling.

You will become a master at what you do. Your value will ultimately be rewarded.

My life in the field of TRAVEL & TOURISM is an example of this practice. When I look back at how it all started out some years down the line, for me, what I see now, where I am now & all I know now is a product of God’s grace.

Then I went professional with my gifting by reason of consistency & best practices at what I know how to do best.

So also, if you spend time daily meditating on the finished works of Christ, you are building your faith & crediting your #GRACEBANK which over time when challenges come knocking- the moment you look deep into your spirit, those Words deposited over time will suddenly arise, you can then withdraw a Word of victory to strike that storm in the face of apparent defeat.

Make it a practice to always feed on the Word as this will lift you while everything else straighten out.

It takes time to polish and bring out the jewel in you. But NOW IS THE TIME.

When man is harmonious and happy he is healthy! All sickness comes from violation of Spiritual Law.

Jesus Christ said: “Be though healed, your sins are forgiven.”

Resentment, ill-will, hate, fear, etc., etc., tear down the cells of the body and poison the blood.

Accidents, old age and death itself, come from holding wrong mental pictures.

When man sees himself as God sees him, he will become a radiant being, timeless, birthless and deathless, for “God made man in His likeness and His image.”

I challenge you to constantly put your eyes on the finished works of Christ, everything will straighten out regardless.


Psalm 46:1-6:
1.God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
The word of God works and it’s changing people’s lives all over the world.
Nothing shuts a believer down like his thinking. God is our ever ‘Present’ help. Not a future help. When you ask God for help He gives u instantly according to Mark 11:24… I can hear you say: God I want a baby boy! Yes! That baby boy is right inside the Word of God. In the book of Mark the Bible says  “What so ever”.  What so ever means What so ever!

He said when you pray, BELIEVE and you will RECEIVE. God will never ask you to believe something that is not true.

Daniel 10:11… I want you to know that DELAY IS A PRODUCT OF MANKIND & not of God. I believe that the day I ask anything of Jesus, that is the day it was DISPATCHED. Glory be to God Forever More.  Thank you Jesus!

There is no more cause for distance like in the days of Daniel according to the Bible, because we are New Testament believers.  Let nothing on earth talk you out of what Christ has done for you, or tell you that God Is not a God of now. Faith never ever fails. In the name of Jesus I restore the full use of your faith right now as you are reading this message. Amen.

If it is Bible faith- (the faith that says “I believe and I receive”) and goes forth to do the Bible rituals….then that faith will never ever fail. The RITUALS of FAITH is to call those things that be not as though they are. Having received the spirit of faith, you should begin to speak and declare those things that be not as though they were!  The Bible says the Righteousness of Faith, speaks.

When you are convinced that you are now in faith you will almost go mad. You will begin to dance the dance of faith,  begin to sing the songs of faith, and you will experience the manifestation. Try God! Don’t let any devil talk you out of the fact that you have now received.  Go ahead and give him praise. AMEN.

Just like gravity never ever fails …faith never ever fails. I don’t care what has happened to any body concerning not receiving what they had prayed for, I don’t care what another persons story is; the God i serve can not fail, it is by His words. I will never ever judge God by the experience of another man or what happens to anybody else somewhere.

Faith is not having some particular feelings; it is depending on a fact. Now here is the fact: Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ died for us. He bore our sins in His own body. God punished Him in our place to pay the debt that we owe. Wether we ever do anything about it or not, it is a fact. What we must do is believe that fact and depend on, rely on, trust in Him.

I declare and decree that -your wedding is going to take place as planned. You want a job? It’s today. believe and receive it now. God is not a God of tomorrow . That’s why you can’t hold gravity down, if you try to, nothing will work outside of gravity.  It is according to your faith. Only Believe.

This is what we do, we don’t go to club,  we don’t smoke, but we play around with His power. As believers we practice the RITUALS of FAITH. Ask anything in Faith and you will receive. Glory be to God!
My friend, I want to encourage you to begin to start practicing the RITUALS of Faith as from today.
When you have Jesus in your life, you are no longer trying to live the life of faith, you simply live by FAITH.

Isaiah 43:25 I, [even] I, [am] he that blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember your sins. (AMIV)



I remember one time watching a special on TV about nuclear reactors, and the danger of radioactive material. And I was amazed to learn that the only thing that was keeping the radiation from escaping the chamber was the weight of tons and tons of water. Just hearing it seemed too simple a solution for so serious a problem. I mean, I could hold up a cup of water with no effort at all, but if you added that amount many times over, it was strong enough to hold down anything.

Even in the deep dark reaches of the ocean, where there are countless wrecks of ocean liners, and submarines, what keeps them from surfacing is the sheer weight of the water above it. And unless it is raised by some other means, it will never be raised.

Well do you know that sin and the guilt it brings is like that radiation? The Lord will blot out your transgressions making it not exist, but so often the guilt that it brings is more damaging than the sin itself. You know you are forgiven by the blood, and stand clean, but in your mind, you do not feel free. God said something awesome in that verse. That he would not only blot out your sin, so that it is no more, but that He would not remember them! This is the GRACE of God. The Lamb of God did not just take away your sins, He also gave you His righteousness.

This means that when the Lord forgives you, he intends for you to be free, and not try to hold up what He wants to sink on the basis of His finished works at Calvary. By the power of His Spirit and His word, He will drown your guilt and condemnation, if you are willing to give it to Him by constantly putting your eyes on the cross (meditating on the Word of God). He wants to cover it so much, with His grace and love, that it will be like a ship sinking to the deepest depths of the ocean, where nothing can reach it and bring it back to the surface.

All He needs is for you to let go & let Him work through you. Would you hold on to a piece of radioactive material? Of course not! In the same way, the Lord wants to be the Strong One, the One who will cover it, and do away with it, so that you can walk free.

If you still struggle with guilt after you know you have been forgiven, just speak the Word over you, and confess His promises. Say this after me, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and therefore there is no sin or guilt in me!” Glory to God. Keep saying it! Don’t stop saying it! Because you are what He says you are, and He will do what He says He will do. And He will not remember your sins, but will drown it in the sea of His Grace.

Beloved, you are covered by Jesus’ Blood. You are righteous by His Blood. God has clothed you with the robe of righteousness, which was paid for by Jesus’ blood. And He will not remember your sins anymore.

My friend, when you believe that you are righteous because of Jesus’ blood and that He will not remember your sins, you will see the effects of the gift of righteousness. You will see miracles happening before your very eyes. You become a blessing magnet, a favor or grace magnet. It is not your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus which you have put on, that is attracting all these blessings of God into your life. Amen!

Proverbs 20:27 – The spirit of man [is] the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the inward man.

Don’t you just love having electric lights? It might be very romantic having dinner by candlelight, but how irritating it is when there is a power failure and you have to use candles until the power comes back on again. The problem with candlelight is that you cannot see things properly. Now that might help in romance – the person looks more lovely than they really are (oops I could be in trouble here) – but when it comes to normal life, it can be a real nuisance.

Of course the key here is to increase the number of candles. More candles mean more light, and then you start to see things a bit clearer. Otherwise you make mistakes in your judgement. You think you see something, but you are mistaken. You misinterpret what your eyes are telling you, or you don’t recognize an object at all until it becomes brighter. Hey it’s better than groping about in the dark, but still it prevents you from making good judgements.

Okay, now why all this talk about candles? Well of course it is because good old friend used a candle to help us understand how we can receive from God in today’s Scripture reading. Remember that as a Christian you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. And the only part of you that can communicate with God is that part of you that has the same nature and essence as God – your spirit. So if you are going to receive from God’s Spirit, then you are going to have to use your spirit to do it.

Well now, if your spirit is a candle, or maybe a lamp or lantern, then it is your spirit that is able to search out and receive from God. And where will it look? It will look where God is, not in heaven somewhere, but deep within the recesses of your own inner heart. And if your spirit is to find out something from God, then it is going to have to become a very bright candle.

As an unbeliever your spirit is like an unlit candle. It has no life or light. When you were born again, the Lord lit the candle, and now there is some light in there. That is why from the moment that you are born again, you suddenly come to the realization that God does really exist. And you know from deep within that He is real, and that He has saved you. In fact people even describe this at times as ‘seeing the light.’ But now that your spirit has come to life, you need to start finding out a few more things about God. And the only way this can happen is for you to learn to make your light brighter. And as your light grows brighter, you start using it to search out the things of God.

So of course question number one is, “How do I make my light brighter?”

Well let’s answer that one with another question.

“How was your light lit in the first place?”

It was lit when someone shared with you the finished works of Christ concerning salvation and the New Birth. And as you received that Word in your heart and accepted it, something happened deep inside you. Your candle started to glow, you saw yourself as a sinner, you saw that God loves you, and you reached out to Him for salvation. So of course the answer to increasing the light of your candle is quite simply to pour in more of the Word. David told us this in his famous Psalm 119, where every single verse of this longest chapter in the Bible is about the Word! Psalm 119:130 says this:

The entrance of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

Now there is another Scripture that is linked to this and which I have shared on before. Proverbs 20:5 says:

Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.

Who can tap into that inner source of wisdom according to Solomon? A man of understanding. And how can we get understanding according to David? By the entrance of God’s words.

Put the two together and you begin to realize how important God’s Word really is. Perhaps for you it has been just a book that you figure you are supposed to read because you are a Christian. For others it is a source of doctrines and instructions. But it is far more than that! It is the means God has given you for understanding His Holy Spirit within you. It is the only way you can understand what is being said to you from the Spirit within.

It is your ‘translator’ of the language of the Spirit. It is your amplifier of the signals that come from within your heart. It is your pipe that carries the water from your underground stream. And of course, it is the filter that you place in your mind to let out only the things that come from God, and to remove all that other garbage that gets dumped into your mind from other sources. As you fill yourself with the Word, you gain an ability to understand the impulses that come from your spirit. Your candle starts to glow more brightly and you start to see things about the Lord that you never saw before.

I will show you another time how to use the Word to cause this to happen. And then you will start to come to the place where you will begin to recognize something that has been with you all along. You will start to recognize that inner voice that is God within you. And you will start to draw water out of that deep underground stream that is in you.

I came across this article and i am sure it will bless you. It is not only applicable to the stock market, you can apply this biblical truth to every area of your life, business and endeavor. Please always study the Word of God with your eyes fixed on what Christ has done for you at calvary. As you make this a practice you will see Jesus in the scriptures. Enjoy the rest of the article below:

Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they don’t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.

Perhaps that can explain why, despite his uncanny ability to predict precise moves in the stock market, Sean is often laughed at for his unique stance on investing.

For example . . . a few months ago Sean appeared on Bloomberg Television. At that time, Best Buy (BBY) was dropping to all-time lows of $16 a share. Sean predicted the stock could go down to $11 a share, and would then quickly rebound to $25 per share, and after that would rally to $40 per share over the next year.

Another commentator on the show actually mocked Sean for his stance, saying “$40 on Best Buy? If that’s the case Apple (AAPL) is going to $1,500. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” (Editor’s Note: At the time, Apple was trading at $650 per share).

Within a few weeks, Sean would receive the last laugh.

Best Buy dropped down to $11.20 a share and has since rebounded to $30 a share, continuing its path to $40 . . . exactly as Sean predicted. (Ironically, Apple has dropped down to about $400 per share).

During a recent private dinner with Sean, once he’d blessed the food, I wasted no time asking him what his secret is for investing so successfully.

I expected Sean to say that it was his years of experience at Charles Schwab or perhaps one of the complicated algorithms he uses for timing the stock market.

So when Sean responded that his secret to investing was the Bible, I was thoroughly shocked.

Yes, I knew Sean was a Christian (anyone who spends more than 1 minute with him will pick that up!). However, people usually keep their faith separate from things like . . . investing.

But not Sean.

For Sean, the Bible is his FOUNDATION for investing.

He explained to me how there is actually a “Biblical Money Code” woven into Scripture.

Sean says it is this Biblical Money Code that took him from making a mere $15,000 a year to now giving away up to $50,000 a year. Sean also credits this code with helping him turn his father’s $40,000 retirement account into $396,000.

Certain investment titans, Sean says, such as Warren Buffett and John Templeton, have already used this code to amass billions.

What Sean had to say impressed me so much that I asked him to put a presentation together that reveals how anyone could use this “Biblical Money Code.” ( http://w3.newsmax.comcash flow/newsletters/uwr/video_money_code_intl.cfm?promo_code=146F3-1 )

I’ve personally watched this presentation several times and it is already spreading virally.

During the video, Sean uses the teachings of King Solomon, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Apostle Paul to show how anyone can get out of debt . . . make sound investments . . . and morally build substantial wealth.

Sean even reveals a “debilitating ‘financial sin’ that blinds many . . . and could be costing you up to 41% of your life savings at this very moment.” What’s so deceiving about this sin is how innocent and safe it appears at first.

And at the end, he finishes up with his “12-12-12 plan for investing.” This is a simple step-by-step plan to go from being a saver, to an investor, to a philanthropist.